Marketing Consultancy

Have a product or service but you don’t know where to start penetrating? We are here to help.

Besides generalizable Marketing Strategies, which can be implemented anywhere in the Globe, we are specialized in British and Turkish Markets, both in terms of Marketing and Sourcing products and services.

We know that every single product is unique in terms of industry, costs, brand image, desired-brand perception, and positioning. Our multi-industry experience gives us wealth marketing and sales channels as well as ability to employ various marketing concepts and tactics.

Our services may be limited to a brief market research at affordable costs or can be expanded to hands-on sales and marketing management. Either you need an introduction to our wide network of distribution channels or expect a strong exposure with a guerrilla-marketing activity, we are here to provide all at their best efficiency.

Contact us to get a quotation for a tailored Marketing Consultancy service.

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